Tooth Gems
In Sort Kat Tattoo we are lucky to have the amazing body piercer Sonia work with us. Sonia comes by Odense several times a month to do body piercings as well as tooth gems. You can book an appointment or come for a walk in.
I Sort Kat Tattoo er vi heldige at have den fantastisk dygtige piercer Sonia, der kommer her I Odense flere gange månedligt. Sonia tager imod walk in-klienter, men du kan også bestille tid til piercing eller tandsmykke hos hende.
Sonia Piercings
When is Sonia working? // Hvornår arbejder Sonia?
Sonia visits Sort Kat, Odense every Tuesday & Friday – with a few exceptions. Check Sonia’s updated schedule on Instagram, to make sure she is available. // Sonia besøger Sort Kat, Odense hver tirsdag og fredag – med få undtagelser. Tjek Sonias opdaterede skema på Instagram, for at være sikker på at træffe hende.
How to book // Sådan bestiller du tid
You can either come in as a walk in client – or book an appointment beforehand. Write Sonia a message on Instagram to book // Du kan enten komme forbi som en walk-in-kunde, eller bestille en tid på forhånd. Skriv en besked til Sonia på Instagram, for at bestille tid.
Prices // Priser:
All piercing prices includes basic titanium jewelry. |
Lobe (øreflip) |
300,- kr. / 500,- kr. |
Cartilage (brusk)
350,- kr. |
450,- kr. |
Lips Septum Brow Nostril Bridge |
400,- kr. |
Paired Nostrils/brows /lips |
700,- kr. |
Nipple |
450,- kr. / 800,- kr. |
Services |
Consultation & Troubleshooting – My piercing / not my piercing |
Free / 100,- kr. |
Downsizing – Includes 1x shorter bar |
100,- kr. |
Jewelry styling (1 hour) | Free |
Jewelry change |
100,- kr. |
Piercing Re-opening |
100,- kr. |